Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's me again

Well, here I am again.  Nothing to post today as I haven't been creative at all.  I have a sick house right now.  My daughter Meaghan has had the flu all weekend and hasn't moved off the couch unless it's go run for the batroom.  Elissa, my surrogate daughter had her wisdom teeth surgically removed on Thursday and she is the one that keeps us in stitches laughing all the time.  Right now she is in stitches that prevent her from opening her mouth to far and no one feels much like laughing any way.  My husband and I are just plain worn out from taking care of them.

I am so hoping to sit at the craft table this afternon and do something.  Tracy from Tracy's Treasures made some post it note covers that I am so gonna try for myself.  That's on the agenda as I have many of them that came home with me ffrom the old office.  They were goinna be tossed and I wasn't having any of that.  A scrapper and stamper can find a use for just about anything right?

I hope all of you that check out my blog are happy and healthy. Talk to you all again soon.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What a difference a week makes...

I am getting ready for a new week to start and I realized that I am happy.  Almost looking forward (as much as you can look forward to going to work.) to going back into work.  I have had a great weekend with the family.  I have limited time with my daughter as she leaves friday night and I see her for about an hour on saturday night before she is gone again and I don't see her again til sunday night.  I miss her like crazy but I guess this is the way it will be as soon she will probably be out on her own. 

I did do a little bit of crafting this weekend as well.  I made a birthday card for my mom but forgot to take a picture before I gave it to her.  Oh well.  But here is a little something else that I finished up.  Next week I hope to actually put some pictures to paper.  LOL

Well, I will talk to you all during the week.  Stay tuned for Chapter two of this saga.  LOL

Friday, January 21, 2011


Hello, Out there,

There are not enough people out there that even know that I have a blog nevermind enough people to have missed me.  But never the less, I am back to say that I have made it through my first week of working at my new job.  I have been crazy busy trying to learn a new computer system and falling asleep in my chair ever single night while trying to watch tv.  But it has been a GREAT week.  I have met so many nice ladies.  They have all taken me under thier wing and helped me so much.  This is probably a move that I should have made a long time ago.  I was pushed into it kicking and screaming but I am a willing participent now. 

I will share with you an album that I made just before Christmas because I have not been able to make anything for a while now. 

Another one influenced by Laura Denison.  (I have many more to show you too.)

Hope this blog entry finds you all well.  I will be back tomorrow and then hopefully on a more regular basis from here on in.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Well today is the day

Today is the day that I have been dreading.  Today marks the end of an era for me.  I am done working at the office that I have been at for ten years.  I am looking forward to new beginnnings and all but it stinks that I have to start all over again.  It stinks that I will be low man on the totem pole again.  It looks so funny around here.  There's nothing on my bulletin board and no papers left on my desk.  Tom has taken my desk calendars home for me and me, the girl that hoards pencils and pens only have one pen left on my desk to use today.  That pen and my cup for coffee are the only thing leaving with me tonight at 4pm when it's time to go home.  I have a constant lump in my throat waiting to spill over.  And spill it does everytime a client comes in to say goodbye to us.  Yes, I will see some of them again.  I am moving along with the book of business but they won't be "my" clients anymore.  I know that I will be fine and by next friday I will be safely ensconced in a new job and looking forward to the weekend but for now I AM SAD. 

I will be back this evening to post more about how my day went and my next batch of creativity.  But if you read this and are so inclined, remember me in a short prayer just to get through this day. 

See you when it's all over.........

Pam :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a new day


Another day, another project to see.  These two projects are going to two special people.  I have owed these to two friends for a long time and they probably think that I have forgotten.  They have been made for months.  If they read this blog they will probably know exactly who they are.  Again, they are Laura Denison Designs (I told you that I love her stuff).

Okay so you know who you are if you were have lots of garden/flower pictures.  I have tried to send these out a couple of times.  Then I decided that I wanted to start this blog and I had to have pictures of them.  Then try to get an almost 22 year old daughter who is in college and dating and working part time have the time to take pictures for you and teach you how to do all this.  Any way you get the picture. 

So watch the mail because I will get them out really soon. 


Sunday, January 9, 2011

I have a whole new attitude

Okay, no more feeling sorry for myself.  Okay, so I lost my job of ten years, but I have a new one and a new chapter of my life to get started.  This week will be hard as we will have lots of people coming into the office to say goodbye.  There will probably be tears shed, that's okay, I know I will be fine. 

So the whole reason for my blog is to show some of the things that I have done lately.  This is an album created by Laura Denison.  I just love her work.  I bought a pattern from her and this is my take on her bird house album.

So now that I have a whole new attitude, there will be no more talk about feeling bad about loosing my job.  I may let you know how well the new one is going though.  Talk to you again soon.  I have lots more to share with you.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Well, Here I am at the start of a new blog.  Not only new but my first.  I know, I am behind the times right?  I have started this blog because there are so many new things going on in my world that I just decided it was time so that I didn't  have to tell family and friends one by one what was happening.  First and formost this is the year that I want to join a design team with my papercrafting.  I don't know if that means, scrapbooking, cardmaking or whatever making that is but I want to be able to share all of that with you.

The new year brought on a lot of changes.  I came to work yesterday January 3rd to find out that I had no job.  My co-worker and I have spent the last ten years of our lives together on a daily basis and now in two weeks that will be over.  We work in insurance and our agency has been sold.  Amongst the tears that were shed, and the moments of anxiety, that had me breathing into a paperbag for a few minutes, I picked up the phone and called the agency that bought us out and I am happy to report that I WON'T be signing up for unemployment benefits anytime soon.  So the first thing I did was buy a scrapbooking kit from Laura Denison from Following the Paper Trail.  LOL  Most people wouldn't get this but Laura does,  Papercrafting makes me sane.   Or as sane as I will ever be. 

I will be back soon to make my blog all pretty and start my real posting, not only of words but of projects that I am working on.  Hope you come back to see me.
