Friday, January 14, 2011

Well today is the day

Today is the day that I have been dreading.  Today marks the end of an era for me.  I am done working at the office that I have been at for ten years.  I am looking forward to new beginnnings and all but it stinks that I have to start all over again.  It stinks that I will be low man on the totem pole again.  It looks so funny around here.  There's nothing on my bulletin board and no papers left on my desk.  Tom has taken my desk calendars home for me and me, the girl that hoards pencils and pens only have one pen left on my desk to use today.  That pen and my cup for coffee are the only thing leaving with me tonight at 4pm when it's time to go home.  I have a constant lump in my throat waiting to spill over.  And spill it does everytime a client comes in to say goodbye to us.  Yes, I will see some of them again.  I am moving along with the book of business but they won't be "my" clients anymore.  I know that I will be fine and by next friday I will be safely ensconced in a new job and looking forward to the weekend but for now I AM SAD. 

I will be back this evening to post more about how my day went and my next batch of creativity.  But if you read this and are so inclined, remember me in a short prayer just to get through this day. 

See you when it's all over.........

Pam :)


  1. Pam, I am thinking about you and praying for you. I knew that today would be tough.
    The scene that you describe sounds pretty bleak. I cannot imagine what you are doing to stay busy.
    I hope that the weekend brings you peace and rest.

  2. My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine how hard it is for you.
    But keep your chin up. You never know what is around the corner.
    Take care and enjoy this weekend.
